Monday, April 13, 2015

Pastel Purple Potato Salad

This past week was Merrie Monarch Festival week.  I didn't do much to celebrate the annual festival, and I was away for part of the time anyway (work trip to Honolulu).  Once again, I missed my favorite event (Friday's hula kahiko competition).

In addition to the Merrie Monarch festivities, the Hilo High School gymnasium dedication was this weekend.  I wasn't going to attend, but the boss asked The Help to help him (the governor was coming), and The Help graciously obliged.  The Help likes my boss and does not mind lending a hand for him.  While The Help busied himself with the honorable governor, I tried to look busy.  I ran into a former coworker who made some remark about me pretending to work.  Ummmm, yeahhhhh, but at least I know how to teach kids and I'm not afraid to be in a classroom.  Take that, ya old bag!

For the most part, with the exception of the gym dedication, I tried to stay away from places where crowds gather.  I hate crowds.  It drives me berserk to get shoved and elbowed.  I even sought refuge in Kona, making a late Saturday run to Costco.

My drive to Costco was really not for frivolous purposes.  I was in need of a vacuum to replace my near-paralyzed Dyson.  D1 has been especially pissy lately about the house being messy.  I've been trying to keep the floors in the great room clean, but that was impossible to do with the Dyson I had. I ended up buying a small ball Dyson, which was roughly $200 less than the larger ball model.  I tried it out when I got home, and shit, it FEELS $200 less good than what I'd imagine the larger ball model to feel like.  Oh well, The Help said that it does work, which is 95% better than my old vacuum.

One thing I really wanted to do this week was make a stop at the Hawaiian food truck run by the Hawaiian church group.  I never had the chance.  By the time I got my act together to go, they had dismantled their site.  I guess I will need to wait a whole year to eat their food.

There is one downside to the Hawaiian food truck.  They do not automatically give a portion of potato salad with their plates.  I think you can order a side of it, but it does not come standard.  I know potato salad is not traditional Hawaiian food, but it goes great with kalua pig and lau lau.  Since I missed out on the Hawaiian food last week, I'm going to make sure dinner this week includes some type of Hawaiian food.  Of course, if you come over for dinner, you can count on having this yummy and pretty potato salad as an accompaniment for your meal!

 click on recipe title for printable recipe
Pastel Purple Potato Salad

     3 lbs russet potatoes
     1 lb purple sweet potatoes
     3/4-1 c bacon bits
     2 tbsp minced parsley
     salt to taste

Boil potatoes.  Peel and cut into 1/2" pieces while still hot.  When completely cool, combine with remaining ingredients.  Season to taste.  Chill until ready to serve.

Beneath the tropic skies of Hilo. . .

                                                              . . .loyalty and honor shall forever be thine.

April 11, 2015
Hilo High School Gymnasium Dedication

1 comment:

  1. ~Such pretty purple! ~Never seen it in a salad before! I've been just eating them plain! I shall try making this.
    Please do post more interesting recipes using this purple goodie!
