Monday, April 6, 2015

Cookie Jar: Crunchy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

I'm here.  I made it.

Prom #1:  Glad it's over.

Prom #2:  Glad it's over.

Takenoko Sushi:  When is the next time?

Prom #1 was a headache and a half.  For many of the students, this was their first formal dance, and since a dinner was provided, it became apparent early on that not all high school juniors have a grasp on proper table manners.  Last weekend, my cousin asked me, "do they know how to dine?".  Now I can officially answer her, "NO".  They have a year to prepare themselves for the senior prom, and if they plan to have prime rib, then the learning curve will be steep.

My main objective was to keep the students safe and contained within the facility.  I'm always amazed at how students look forward to these things, yet the moment they arrive, they want to "go".  And while they are in line, they can't wait to get in, but before the event is over, they are lining up by the door, ready to go.  Amazing.  I'm thankful that everyone who went to the venue also left safely.  We lost nobody along the way.

Prom #2 was D1's last high school prom (as a host).  Bittersweet.  I'm not sure what time she and her friends (2 spent the night) rolled in.  According to The Help, they went for a swim at 3 am.  The water must've been freezing!

We celebrated Uncle Edz' belated birthday at Takenoko Sushi.  The food was delicious.  Upon the advice of a coworker,  Uncle Edz ordered the lobster miso soup.  There was half a lobster floating in the bowl.  Talk about decadent.  The Hamakua mushroom appetizer was also good.  Uncle Edz went the no-fail omakase route, substituting something else for the uni.  I had one of the mini bowls and the baked avocado/crab/scallop.  That was tasty, but its probably not something I'd order again.  You really need to like avocado!  I'm not sure when I'll be lucky enough to get back to Takenoko Sushi again.  What blew my mind was that there was a high school couple sitting next to us at the sushi bar.  They kept ordering things, and I'm sure their bill wasn't much less than mine.  How do these kids do it?

This is the start of another busy week.  A two-day workshop means I'm out of the classroom for two days.  I don't mind learning things at these workshops, but I don't like making substitute plans.  What a pain!  And this workshop requires traveling.  I am so not looking forward to getting up early to catch a plane, only to arrive at the workshop ready to nap.  I thought my days of these early morning flights were behind me.  I'm getting too old for this!

In preparation for the boring workshop ahead of me, I spent a few hours yesterday in the kitchen.  I baked a batch of these cookies.  I will sneak them in to the workshop so I will have something to do. . .eat instead of sleep.

click on recipe title for printable recipe
Crunchy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

     1/2 c butter, softened
     1 c sugar
     1 egg
     3/4 c flour
     1/2 tsp baking soda
     1/2 tsp salt
     1 c quick oats
     6 oz (about 1 cup) semi-sweet chocolate chips
     1/2 c pecans, chopped

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.  Beat in egg.  Stir together flour, baking soda, and salt.  Add to creamed mixture.  Stir in oats, chocolate and nuts until just combined.  Using a #60 disher (about 2 teaspoons), drop onto parchment-lined baking sheet.  Bake for 11 minutes.  Allow to remain on baking sheet for 3 minutes after removing from oven.  Remove to wire rack to cool completely.

love the hand face
D1's last prom (as the host). . .it's been fun. . .the seemingly endless stream of girls coming over to test makeup and hair. . .the seemingly endless stream of girls coming over to get ready for the big night. . .cars all over the driveway. . .bags and bags of chips. . .the aroma of hairspray (I think the hairs in my nose were stiff from all the particulate matter in the air). . .

This year, several of the girls were picked up by their dates at my home.  It was a treat to see them all dressed up.  The plan was for us to get a few shots of them outside, then they planned to head down to the park to take pics with another group of friends.  Unfortunately, the weather wasn't cooperative anywhere in Hilo, and a frantic D1 asked if The Help could set up a backdrop and lights in the living room.  Talk about rush job!  The Help and I set up everything in record time, and within an hour, The Help was snapping away.  I will definitely miss these moments (the squeeze-ass-assemble-photographic-equipment-quickly-moments notwithstanding).
I PROMise I won't cry

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