I hastily posted a slideshow on Thursday with pics from the
Thanksgiving luncheon at Aunty Janice's house in Paradise Park. I
posted a pic of a cake, for which I neglected to include the recipe. It
is one of the easiest and tastiest cakes out there, and I've been
making it since 1990 (made it for an ex-boyfriend's family first. .
.guinea pigs!). Ex-boyfriend and his family are long-gone (good riddance), but the cake has stood the test of time. Click for
printable recipe.
Now comes the part where I sigh. . .the 2012 elections are finally over, but there are still signs (both winners and losers) all over town. This year, one particular lot on the main highway never ceased to amuse me with signs, most notably about the mayoral and prosecuting attorney races.

The prosecuting attorney race was a really tight race between Lincoln Ashida and Mitch Roth. Both have numerous years in the prosecutors office, but the owner of this piece of property had a clear favorite. I was initially amused by the sight of the used (this is an assumption) toilet bowl beneath the large "Lincoln 4 Lincoln" sign, but only after I uploaded the pics onto my computer did I see the "me" "me" "me" all over the sign!
There was another sign saying "Lincoln walk on people", but I didn't get a pic of it. The "artist" seemed to enjoy using "walk" in the signs, as another sign spoke of Roth "walk da walk".
I waited until the elections were over before posting this because I
didn't want to be accused by either camp of spreading propaganda. Hilo
is a small town, and people who are close to me know/like both Lincoln
Ashida and Mitch Roth.
Every Sunday, on my way to the rubbish dump, I would check if any new signs had been posted.

Sometime after the Lincoln/Roth signs were posted, pro-Harry Kim (former mayor) signs appeared, along with a "Dump Billy" (Billy Kenoi, current mayor) sign. I don't know of anyone in Hilo who could not have noticed those signs!
The signs were just hilarious. In addition to the use of creative spelling, the media of the signs ran the gamut from wood to ceramics to metal (plywood, toilet, and lampshade, to name a few things). I think my sculpture professor, Charles Smith, would have been proud of the artist.
On November 6, Mitch Roth prevailed over Lincoln Ashida by a very narrow margin, and Billy Kenoi won re-election after a close victory over Harry Kim. In general, Hilo politicians do not advertise on television, and there was very little mud-slinging, if any, from them. This was a good thing, because my television time was spent being entertained by the Mazie Hirono, Linda Lingle, Ben Cayetano, and Kirk Caldwell mud-slinging ads. Too funny!
Anyway, with elections and Thanksgiving behind me, I'm looking forward to the next holiday. 15 more work days until Winter Break!!! I know Uncle will be gone for at least 2 out of those 15 days, so I'm going to decide if I'll need to pull the sick leave card to make the time go by even faster.
I hastily posted a slideshow on Thursday with pics from the
Thanksgiving luncheon at Aunty Janice's house in Paradise Park. I
posted a pic of a cake, for which I neglected to include the recipe. It
is one of the easiest and tastiest cakes out there, and I've been
making it since 1990 (made it for an ex-boyfriend's family first. .
.guinea pigs!). Ex-boyfriend and his family are long-gone (good riddance), but the cake has stood the test of time. Click for
printable recipe.
Now comes the part where I sigh. . .the 2012 elections are finally over, but there are still signs (both winners and losers) all over town. This year, one particular lot on the main highway never ceased to amuse me with signs, most notably about the mayoral and prosecuting attorney races.

The prosecuting attorney race was a really tight race between Lincoln Ashida and Mitch Roth. Both have numerous years in the prosecutors office, but the owner of this piece of property had a clear favorite. I was initially amused by the sight of the used (this is an assumption) toilet bowl beneath the large "Lincoln 4 Lincoln" sign, but only after I uploaded the pics onto my computer did I see the "me" "me" "me" all over the sign!
There was another sign saying "Lincoln walk on people", but I didn't get a pic of it. The "artist" seemed to enjoy using "walk" in the signs, as another sign spoke of Roth "walk da walk".
I waited until the elections were over before posting this because I
didn't want to be accused by either camp of spreading propaganda. Hilo
is a small town, and people who are close to me know/like both Lincoln
Ashida and Mitch Roth.
Every Sunday, on my way to the rubbish dump, I would check if any new signs had been posted.

Sometime after the Lincoln/Roth signs were posted, pro-Harry Kim (former mayor) signs appeared, along with a "Dump Billy" (Billy Kenoi, current mayor) sign. I don't know of anyone in Hilo who could not have noticed those signs!
The signs were just hilarious. In addition to the use of creative spelling, the media of the signs ran the gamut from wood to ceramics to metal (plywood, toilet, and lampshade, to name a few things). I think my sculpture professor, Charles Smith, would have been proud of the artist.
On November 6, Mitch Roth prevailed over Lincoln Ashida by a very narrow margin, and Billy Kenoi won re-election after a close victory over Harry Kim. In general, Hilo politicians do not advertise on television, and there was very little mud-slinging, if any, from them. This was a good thing, because my television time was spent being entertained by the Mazie Hirono, Linda Lingle, Ben Cayetano, and Kirk Caldwell mud-slinging ads. Too funny!
Anyway, with elections and Thanksgiving behind me, I'm looking forward to the next holiday. 15 more work days until Winter Break!!! I know Uncle will be gone for at least 2 out of those 15 days, so I'm going to decide if I'll need to pull the sick leave card to make the time go by even faster.
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