With the exception of last year, I would try to post something red-white-and-blue, just to keep with the theme. Last year I broke from tradition, and my post had nothing to do with the holiday. This year, I'm tiptoe-ing on the edge.
While the picture on the left shows multi-colored layers, this could easily be adapted to the red-white-and-blue color scheme. This is a popular layered jello which can be found on the dessert buffet at local parties. . .if they HAVE a dessert buffet.
Oh, who am I kidding? All local parties have a table with a bunch of desserts laid out. Or they SHOULD.
Last week, D2 went to a birthday party. She and the others were told to arrive at noon and get picked up at 4:00. Since I was working, I asked The Help to drop her off and pick her up. When she got home, I asked her about the food. She said she ate cake. I asked what else was served. She replied, "cake. I told you already."

I guess that was one party which did not have the usual dessert buffet. Of course, there was no "BYOB" on the invitations (like some of the graduation parties D1 gets invited to).
I suppose I'm just a fuddy-duddy with ideas stuck in the 1970s where parties had tons of food (more than triple what could be consumed there).
If you are like me and expect (and hope) parties have a huge variety of food with interesting and tasty desserts, you can contribute to the dessert table by bringing a platter of Seven-Layer Jello.
Everyone always loves Jello. My favorite thing to do is to peel the layers apart as I'm eating. If I'm lucky, I can separate all the layers nicely.
click on recipe title for printable recipe
Milk Mixture: 1 can (14 oz) condensed milk
2 envelopes unflavored gelatin
1/4 c cold water
1 3/4 c hot water
Soften unflavored gelatin by sprinkling over cold water. Add hot water. Stir for 2 minutes. Add condensed milk. Stir. Set aside.
Gelatin Mixture: 4 boxes (3 oz each) jello, any flavor(s)/color(s)
5 c hot water, divided
4 envelopes unflavored gelatin
In a small bowl, stir together 1 box of jello and 1 envelope unflavored gelatin. Add 1/4 c hot water. Stir for 30 seconds to soften. Add 1 c hot water. Stir until gelatin dissolves. Pour into 9 x 13" pan and chill 20 minutes. While first layer is chilling, dissolve remaining boxes of jello/gelatin in separate bowls. Set aside.
After 20 minutes, carefully pour 1 cup of milk mixture over first jello layer in pan. Chill 20 minutes. Pour second jello layer over milk mixture. Chill 15 minutes. Pour 1 cup of milk mixture over jello layer. Chill 15 minutes. Pour third jello layer over milk mixture. Chill 15 minutes. Pour 1 cup of milk mixture over jello layer. Chill 15 minutes. Discard any extra milk mixture. Pour final jello layer over milk mixture. Chill 15 minutes before covering pan. When completely set, cut into bars or squares.
We finally got around to celebrating Mother's Day and Father's Day this weekend. We indulged at the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel's Clambake. The Clambake is probably the most decadent (and most $) dinner buffet on the Big Island. The $100+ price tag per person seems steep, but bring a daddy who can eat at least 2 lobsters, and you will get major bang for your benjamin(s). Kids 12-and-under are considerably less. While the lobsters are the star, I gravitate to the endless supply of raw oysters on the half-shell. The tossed-while-you-wait Caesar salad may seem like a waste of tummy space, but the dressing is yummy (no sign of the vile condiment) and you can add your own garlic later. The dessert array was adequate, but the build-your-own-sundae appeal is lost on me. . .I'm not a huge fan of ice cream. BUT, if you have even a tiny bit of room to spare, treat yourself to the mac nut cups, tiny tarts filled with chocolate and macadamia nut mousse. Check out the Clambake menu here.
We finally got around to celebrating Mother's Day and Father's Day this weekend. We indulged at the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel's Clambake. The Clambake is probably the most decadent (and most $) dinner buffet on the Big Island. The $100+ price tag per person seems steep, but bring a daddy who can eat at least 2 lobsters, and you will get major bang for your benjamin(s). Kids 12-and-under are considerably less. While the lobsters are the star, I gravitate to the endless supply of raw oysters on the half-shell. The tossed-while-you-wait Caesar salad may seem like a waste of tummy space, but the dressing is yummy (no sign of the vile condiment) and you can add your own garlic later. The dessert array was adequate, but the build-your-own-sundae appeal is lost on me. . .I'm not a huge fan of ice cream. BUT, if you have even a tiny bit of room to spare, treat yourself to the mac nut cups, tiny tarts filled with chocolate and macadamia nut mousse. Check out the Clambake menu here.