Before we get to my rundown of Spring Break and the Cinnamon Challenge, I'd like to wish my cousin Dustin a happy birthday. I'm sure his favorite brother has a great gift waiting for him!
Speaking of challenges, getting through today will be a challenge.
This is the first day back at work after a week off for Spring Break.
Ughhhhh. Spring Break was nice, albeit too short. I didn't do much
except pamper myself: massage, haircut, facial, sleeping in. I'm now on first-name basis with the people at Nicole's Salon in Keaau. They are a full service salon, and its super convenient since they are located in the same lot as J & J Diner, Verna's, McDonalds, and the Shell Station (yes, its all connected). I can now get a bang trim AND pick up a plateful of lechon kawali on my lunch break.
I think my babies will also go through a period of adjustment. With me being home most of the day, they got spoiled with spending most of the day in the main yard. Unfortunately, I need to buy two more ti plants, as they've destroyed two of the three I planted a few weeks ago.
D2 & Minnie |
The Ds had way
more excitement than me. They spent the better part of the week with Mr. Dependable, taking in the sights of the big city (Honolulu), shopping upscale
(Ala Moana), hanging with family (BriBri), taking in the culture (Chinatown) and hanging with Mickey & Friends (Disney's Aulani
Resort). I'll post more pics if/when D1 sends me her files. That would be a good idea since she needs to transfer her files to her new notebook, which should arrive tomorrow. She made a wise decision: choosing a new notebook over an internet shopping extravaganza.
D1 & Minnie |
The next holiday for me to look forward to is Kuhio Day (one week from today). But I may need to make my own holiday (personal leave rather
than play hookie) because I was a very bad kat over break and made a
huge purchase. Me and my new toy will need serious ho'olauna (get
acquainted) time. And no, I did not buy THE new iPad!
Okay, lets get down to business. A few months ago, D1 showed me a video from YouTube that sent me into a fit of laughter (to the point where I was crying). I'm not the only one who saw the video in my home, but I was the only one in tears. I'm not sure why or what triggers these fits of laughter, but this is the kind of laughing fit that you just cannot derail. And its often over something that others do not find funny at all. I'll let you decide for yourself. Here is the video. Be sure your speakers are on.
From what I could discover, the Cinnamon Challenge is a years-old dare game where one eats a tablespoon of cinnamon without drinking anything. There are several other videos, but GloZell's is the only one which sends me into delirium. And I really can't explain why because since I initially saw GloZell's video, I've watched several other YouTube uploads of others taking the cinnamon challenge, and none are very funny.
In the light of recent media stories about the dangers of the Cinnamon Challenge, I am not trying to encourage people to take the cinnamon challenge. Me, personally, I am a little curious because based on the videos I've seen, the amount of cinnamon ingested varies greatly. While I ponder on whether or not I would actually have enough craziness to take the Cinnamon Challenge, I'd like to share another version of the cinnamon challenge which was very real in the Kikukat house.....snickerdoodles!

Everyone in the Kikukat house loves snickerdoodles. Back in college, the UW food service system had a cookie we affectionately called "white cookie". I'd take a cookie off the buffet line nearly everynight. I just couldn't resist it. It was, of course, a giant snickerdoodle. Now, when the Ds want cookies, D1 will usually offer to make a batch of snickerdoodles. D2 has the responsibility of rolling the dough balls in cinnamon-sugar. In looking through my hundreds of cookbook, I noticed that the recipe D1 uses doesn't contain an ingredient found in many other recipes: cream of tartar. We decided to try making a batch of both versions to see which one we'd prefer. That was our version of the Cinnamon Challenge.
This is the version I made. D1s version doesn't contain baking soda and
cream of tartar. Hers uses baking powder. Both D2 and I preferred my
version, as the cookies were crispier.
1 c butter, softened
1 1/3 c sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
3 c flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cream of tartar
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp cinnamon
3 tbsp sugar
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Lightly grease 4 cookie sheets. In a large bowl, beat butter and 1 1/3 c sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs and vanilla. In a small bowl, stir together flour, baking soda, cream of tartar, and salt. Gradually add to butter mixture, blending thoroughly. In a small bowl, combine cinnamon with 3 tbsp sugar. Roll dough into 1" balls (may also use a #50 disher) and then roll in cinnamon-sugar until completely coated. Place on baking sheets (16 cookies will fit on a sheet) and bake for 12 minutes. Let cool for 1 minute before transferring cookies to a cooling rack to cool completely. Makes about 4 dozen.

Before we get to my rundown of Spring Break and the Cinnamon Challenge, I'd like to wish my cousin Dustin a happy birthday. I'm sure his favorite brother has a great gift waiting for him!
Speaking of challenges, getting through today will be a challenge.
This is the first day back at work after a week off for Spring Break.
Ughhhhh. Spring Break was nice, albeit too short. I didn't do much
except pamper myself: massage, haircut, facial, sleeping in. I'm now on first-name basis with the people at Nicole's Salon in Keaau. They are a full service salon, and its super convenient since they are located in the same lot as J & J Diner, Verna's, McDonalds, and the Shell Station (yes, its all connected). I can now get a bang trim AND pick up a plateful of lechon kawali on my lunch break.
I think my babies will also go through a period of adjustment. With me being home most of the day, they got spoiled with spending most of the day in the main yard. Unfortunately, I need to buy two more ti plants, as they've destroyed two of the three I planted a few weeks ago.
D2 & Minnie |
The Ds had way
more excitement than me. They spent the better part of the week with Mr. Dependable, taking in the sights of the big city (Honolulu), shopping upscale
(Ala Moana), hanging with family (BriBri), taking in the culture (Chinatown) and hanging with Mickey & Friends (Disney's Aulani
Resort). I'll post more pics if/when D1 sends me her files. That would be a good idea since she needs to transfer her files to her new notebook, which should arrive tomorrow. She made a wise decision: choosing a new notebook over an internet shopping extravaganza.
D1 & Minnie |
The next holiday for me to look forward to is Kuhio Day (one week from today). But I may need to make my own holiday (personal leave rather
than play hookie) because I was a very bad kat over break and made a
huge purchase. Me and my new toy will need serious ho'olauna (get
acquainted) time. And no, I did not buy THE new iPad!
Okay, lets get down to business. A few months ago, D1 showed me a video from YouTube that sent me into a fit of laughter (to the point where I was crying). I'm not the only one who saw the video in my home, but I was the only one in tears. I'm not sure why or what triggers these fits of laughter, but this is the kind of laughing fit that you just cannot derail. And its often over something that others do not find funny at all. I'll let you decide for yourself. Here is the video. Be sure your speakers are on.
From what I could discover, the Cinnamon Challenge is a years-old dare game where one eats a tablespoon of cinnamon without drinking anything. There are several other videos, but GloZell's is the only one which sends me into delirium. And I really can't explain why because since I initially saw GloZell's video, I've watched several other YouTube uploads of others taking the cinnamon challenge, and none are very funny.
In the light of recent media stories about the dangers of the Cinnamon Challenge, I am not trying to encourage people to take the cinnamon challenge. Me, personally, I am a little curious because based on the videos I've seen, the amount of cinnamon ingested varies greatly. While I ponder on whether or not I would actually have enough craziness to take the Cinnamon Challenge, I'd like to share another version of the cinnamon challenge which was very real in the Kikukat house.....snickerdoodles!

Everyone in the Kikukat house loves snickerdoodles. Back in college, the UW food service system had a cookie we affectionately called "white cookie". I'd take a cookie off the buffet line nearly everynight. I just couldn't resist it. It was, of course, a giant snickerdoodle. Now, when the Ds want cookies, D1 will usually offer to make a batch of snickerdoodles. D2 has the responsibility of rolling the dough balls in cinnamon-sugar. In looking through my hundreds of cookbook, I noticed that the recipe D1 uses doesn't contain an ingredient found in many other recipes: cream of tartar. We decided to try making a batch of both versions to see which one we'd prefer. That was our version of the Cinnamon Challenge.
This is the version I made. D1s version doesn't contain baking soda and
cream of tartar. Hers uses baking powder. Both D2 and I preferred my
version, as the cookies were crispier.
1 c butter, softened
1 1/3 c sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
3 c flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cream of tartar
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp cinnamon
3 tbsp sugar
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Lightly grease 4 cookie sheets. In a large bowl, beat butter and 1 1/3 c sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs and vanilla. In a small bowl, stir together flour, baking soda, cream of tartar, and salt. Gradually add to butter mixture, blending thoroughly. In a small bowl, combine cinnamon with 3 tbsp sugar. Roll dough into 1" balls (may also use a #50 disher) and then roll in cinnamon-sugar until completely coated. Place on baking sheets (16 cookies will fit on a sheet) and bake for 12 minutes. Let cool for 1 minute before transferring cookies to a cooling rack to cool completely. Makes about 4 dozen.
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