The Ds spent this weekend with me. The house is not any neater than it was before they returned from Honolulu, which leads me to believe I'm the messiest out of us all. I was hoping the weather would start getting warmer, but it wasn't to be. Saturday was totally gloomy, and my trip to the Farmer's Market became an essay in how to avoid puddles, extremely slow people, and extremely rude people. I was behind a throng of people, and I saw this lady pushing her way through the crowd, rudely shoving her body in gaps, trying to get through. I was horrified when I saw her face. . .it was a local (well, she was born in a foreign country) teacher. It was THE same teacher whom I saw in Ross who made the cashier, after being rung up, put all her stuff on hold because neither she nor her partner (male) had the $8+ to pay for her purchases (looked like kiddie clothes). This is the kinda stuff that drives me crazy. This lady is a science teacher, so obviously she must know how to add. Isn't it just common sense to know that if you don't have a credit card, you need to have enough cash to cover your purchases? Ross (haven't been there in a while since its still Lent) has actual price tags on their items, so its not like you need to check out before you have an idea of how much your purchases will cost. This is the same lady who told me she needed to wear sunglasses in class because of light sensitivity and then in the next breath said how she loves to hang out at the beach. Hello!!! No wonder kids get all kinda crazy messages. The teachers are crazy. . .well, SOME teachers are crazy.

Warabi is something you either love or hate. I belong to the former. I love seeing a pan of warabi salad when I go to parties. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen often so I usually get warabi from the Farmers Market. I have also seen warabi for sale at KTA and RC tells me Marukai sells it on Oahu (at the price of gold). Warabi can be prepared in a variety of ways, and my favorite way to eat it is in a salad. Because its parboiled, it still retains some crunch without being woody.

1-2 lbs warabi
1 tbsp white vinegar
1 block kamaboko, cut in strips
3 tbsp sesame oil
1 pkg (1.5 oz) shiofuki konbu
handful fubuki tara (shredded codfish), long pieces cut shorter
Wash warabi well. Cut into 1 1/2" lengths, keeping tops separate from thick stem portions. Boil water in a large pot. When boiling vigorously, add vinegar. Stir briefly. Add stem portions and cook 3 minutes (do not let water boil), then add tops and cook an additional minute. Drain. Plunge into ice water until cold. Drain well. In a large bowl, combine warabi with all other ingredients. Chill and serve.