Monday, March 23, 2015

Sponge Drops

Today finds me heading back to work after nearly a week off (I worked on Monday).  I'm certain that by the time this workday is over, I will know exactly how many more slave days until summer vacation.  I always post a countdown in my room. . .one figure for most students, and the other, smaller figure, for the seniors.

This will be the first time in many years where the seniors are in school beyond Memorial Day.  For the rest of us, summer gets underway hella late!

By the end of today, at least one of my friends will be looking towards a change of work site for the next school year.  A few others won't know until later this week if they have tickets outta Dodge yet.  Choose wisely, young grasshoppers.   Actually, changing work site is truly exciting.  Best wishes to all.

While today marks the beginning of the 4th quarter, there is still much to be done.  I have another workshop to attend in Honolulu, as well as a workshop to give here.  I need to get through the Junior Prom (as an adult).  I also need to see D1 through two proms (as a parent only, since I am completely banned from attending one of them).  And that brings me to another thing on my mommy to-do list:  get D1 to commit to a college.  Is it important to go somewhere with low brand cachet but willing to offer a HUGE financial aid package?  Or is it more important to go to a school more respected for academics but very low in athletic team post-season March Madness/Big Dance/Bowl?  Does a school's performance in NCAA Division 1 athletics make a difference?  What about ease of the school in close proximity to an airport with direct flights from Hawaii?  Lots to think about, lots to weigh and ponder, lots of money to dish out!

While I'm waiting for D1 to make a decision, I think I will have a sponge drop.  I need one.  Maybe I need two.  Eating sweet things makes me feel happy.

As I mentioned in last week's post, I've been trying to support The Help's healthier eating effort by reducing the amount of desserts and sweets I make, but after dealing with D2 and her friends during the break last week, I broke down and decided it was time to save myself.  I made a batch of these sponge drops as a reward for surviving sleepover night and not smacking anyone across the head (including those 2 bratty kids who sat in the booth behind me in McDonalds and jumped on their seats while their lazy-ass parents sat away from them and pretended they didn't notice).

I first tasted sponge drops at a party in the early 80s.  I thought I was eating 2 'nilla wafers sandwiched together with whipped cream, but when I tried to do this at home, it didn't taste the same.  It wasn't until years later I realized the treat I had eaten was sponge drops

Normally, I don't enjoy a soft cookie, but sponge drops are different.  While they look like cookies, they are NOT cookies.  They are, as the name implies, soft and spongy.  They get even softer when the filling gets put between two of them.  And don't be afraid to be generous with the filling.  Any extra filling can be used as a topping for sliced strawberries or other tart fruit.  If you are like me, you will enjoy the filling on a big spoon too!

click on recipe title for printable recipe

     1 c flour
     1/2 tsp cream of tartar
     1/4 tsp baking soda
     3 eggs
     1 c sugar
     1/2 tsp vanilla
     1 tbsp powdered sugar
     1/2 c heavy whipping cream
     2 oz cream cheese, optional

Stir together flour, cream of tartar, and baking soda.  In a medium bowl, beat together eggs and sugar.  Add flour mixture and stir until well combined.  Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Line cookie sheet with parchment paper.  Using a small (#70) disher, drop rounded scoops of batter onto parchment in a 4 x 5 array.  Bake 7 minutes.  Let cool 3-4 minutes on sheet before removing to a cooling rack to cool completely.  Make filling when cookies are cool.  Combine vanilla, powdered sugar and whipping cream (if using cream cheese, add it now and add another tbsp of powdered sugar).  Whip with an electric mixer until thick and stiff.  Spread on underside of a cookie, and top with another cookie (underside touching filling).  Chill in a single layer in an airtight container (may separate layers with plastic wrap).  

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